As per its website, "the mission of Apologetics 315 is to provide educational resources for the defense of the Christian faith, with the goal of strengthening the faith of believers and engaging the questions and challenges of other worldviews." Replete with a plethora of top-notch resources, references & podcasts, the site is maintained by Defenders Media.
Christian Ministries Int'l (CMI) was launched in 1975 by Dr. Ron Carlson (1950-2011), who co-authored the best-
selling book, Fast Facts on False Teachings, and lectured
on cults & apologetics in 90+ countries on six continents.
Ron's sons, Rev. Jason & Rev. Jared Carlson (DC's cousins
shown to the left), are now carrying on the legacy of their
father's work by equipping Christians to "contend for the
faith" (Jude 3) via CMI seminars & audio/video weblinks.
Charlie Campbell's ABR website (started in 2005) offers a copious & comprehensive array of topic links & research links, one of the largest of any current apologetics-related site.
CSC’s Director, Dr. Walt Brown (West Point, MIT PhD, USAF Colonel) is
author of “In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood,” a work that eruditely explains Brown’s bailiwick, his yet-to-be-
falsified "Hydroplate Theory" of Earth’s geological past. In this theory,
Brown contends that all of the Earth's major terrestrial features can be
adequately explained by the occurrence of a catastrophic Biblical flood.
5 - CHRISTIANITY: TRUTH OR LIE? | www.christianapologetic.org
Dr. Bruce D. McLaughlin (Doctor of Materials Science) is author of the Christian Handbook of Reason and Insight for Scientists and Technologists and argues that the events of history, the facts of science, and the rules of logic undergird the Christian faith. . Dr. Norm Geisler (1932-2019) authored/co-authored over 100 books on theology, philosophy & Christian apologetics, and
taught all these subjects for 50+ years at the graduate and
undergraduate level. Geisler helped establish a non-degree
"Diploma in Christian Apologetics" from Veritas Evangelical
Seminary, where he served as Chancellor. Posthumously,
his website offers apologetics' resources & responses to
dozens of topics -- from Arkapology to Theistic Evolution.
Operating with over a dozen staff, STR's mission is to "train Christians to think more clearly about their faith and to make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity and classical Christian values in the public square." STR's founder & president, Dr. Greg Koukl, "started out thinking he was too smart to become a Christian [as his site states] and ended up giving his life for the defense of the Christian faith." .
Currently a Research Professor at Talbot School of Theology & Professor
of Philosophy at Houston Baptist University, Dr. William Lane Craig has authored / edited 30-plus books on apologetics & hundreds of scholarly articles. According to Dr. Craig, the Reasonable Faith website “aims to provide an intelligent, articulate, and uncompromising yet gracious Christian perspective on the issues concerning the truth of the ... faith.”
9 - REASONS FOR HOPE (rforh): FOUNDED BY CARL KERBY | www.rforh.com
A global ministry formed by USAF veteran, Carl Kerby, the rforh website says it "is a non-profit 501(c)(3) dedicated to presenting, proclaiming and defending the biblical worldview through bold public speaking, educational and entertaining videos, and online education."
Atheist-turned-Christian, Lee Strobel, is the former award- winning legal editor of The Chicago Tribune and best-selling
author of more than twenty books. His classic, The Case for
Christ, details his conversion to Christ. Since his conversion,
he says his “life’s work has been to share the evidence that
supports the truth and claims of Christianity, and to equip
believers to share their faith w/ the people they know & love."
Since 1961, Josh has delivered over 27,200 talks to over 25M people in 139 countries and has written or co-authored 151 books, most related in some way to apologetics, including More Than a Carpenter and Evidence That Demands a Verdict, a work recognized by World Magazine as one of the 20th century's top 40 books.
Probe was founded in 1973 by Jon Buell and James F. William Jr. With 10 staff members, Probe runs int'l Mind Games Conferences (hosting 10,000+ attendees since its inception), broadcasts the Probe Radio Program (which is heard on 600+ radio stations), and offers a world-class website (with links to 1700+ scholarly, apologetics-related, Probe articles).
Dr. Gregory A. Boyd is an internationally-acclaimed theologian, preacher, teacher, apologist & best-selling author of 22 books,
incl. the award-winning Letters from a Skeptic & two-volume
Crucifixion of the Warrior God. Greg is also the founder of both
Re|Knew & Woodland Hills Church, a mega-church in St. Paul,
MN. The Re|Knew website, a cornucopia of riveting theology,
says that it seeks to "inspire, educate & expand the Kingdom
Revolution centered around the beautiful God we find in Jesus."
14 - ANSWERS IN GENESIS (AiG) | www.answersingenesis.org
Founded by Ken Ham & based in Kentucky, AiG is a global apologetics ministry which focuses particularly on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis. Upholding the Bible as the "history book of the universe," AiG publishes hundreds of books and videos on apologetics as well as the award-winning Answers magazine. AiG also operates in KY a state-of-the-art Creation Museum, and a theme park called Ark Encounter (see adjacent photo) which showcases the world's
only exact dimensional replica of Noah's Ark as detailed in Gen. 6:14.
"Beloved, while I was making every effort to write
you about our common salvation, I was compelled to write to you [urgently] appealing that you fight strenuously for [the defense of] the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints."
-- Jude 3 (AMP)